Safety Policy

Safety, Health and Well being of people, accident prevention and the protection of environment are fundamental principle of Al Asra. The staffs of Al Asra are committed to communicate and implement all regulation and instruction to enable work to be Carried out safely.
All of our workers are required to report to our safety in—charge the existence of any conditions or situation, which, while not normally being considered a radiation hazard, may become a hazard in special or unusual circumstances The company has a health and safety programmed in order to eliminate accidents at job sites. This program is implemented by arranging safety awareness meetings weekly and monthly.
Quality Policy

The quality policy is defined with the objective to achieve customer satisfaction. The policy is communicated to all levels of employees in the organization to ensure their commitment to quality. It is our quality policy to Develop and implement Quality system standards to improve product quality performance and over all effectiveness of the system.
To develop the skills of our employees, the great emphasis placed on structured training Program conducted and to utilize only qualified personnel in order to improve the overall efficiency of the organization.